Enter your EPG name, which is used throughout the app to reference.
Automatically sync EPG
Toggle to enable/disable automatic syncing of the EPG
Sync Every (when Automatically sync EPG enabled)
The interval at which to run the sync.
Last Synced (when Automatically sync EPG enabled)
Autopopulated field that will have the date of the last sync. Can be changed to force a sync at a specific time, e.g.: set Sync Every to 8hr, and then update the Last Synced field to 6hrs in the past to set the sync 2hr from now.
XMLTV file or URL/file path
You can enter the full EPG (XMLTV) URL from your provider
Or if file is stored locally, provide the full path to the file
Or if you have a file you would like to upload, upload it here
User agent
You can use the default, or enter a custom user agent (used to fetch and sync your playlist - not used for local or uploaded files)
Disable SSL verification
Not recommended - disable to troubleshoot issues connecting to your provider for downloading/syncing of playlist
Preferred Locale
Used for EPG mapping when no direct match is found for a channel. If multiple matching channels are found, will give priority to entered locale string, e.g. en